If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out.

FORUM is the platform that exists both here through this website and within our debate sessions, denominated linking:debate. FORUM is a way to speak out and discuss topics of contemporary concern within our seven thematic areas, while connecting with fellow citizens for meaningful conversation. FORUM is the platform that communicates with prospective speakers and moderators, as well as audience members, while linking:debate is its articulator, discussing the debate topics.

Our FORUM format is a debate between invited speakers facilitated by a moderator, plus a moderated Q&A/open discussion with the audience afterwards. The debaters are chosen based on their sets of expertises that serve the discussion of the proposed topic and sets of questions for that session. The debaters come from different domains of expertise and possibly opposing views to promote an invigorating and fruitful discussion to maximise the insight from multiple perspectives on the issues being discussed. The six thematic areas (Activism, Citizenship, Climate Change, Health, Human Rights, Scholarship, Technology) are described in our THEMES page. These themes are umbrella terms holding topics unfolded into a GLOSSARY, reflecting FORUM’s own views and preoccupations. 

Please get in touch with us via this FORM.

Please get in touch with us via this FORM.

Please get in touch with us via this FORM.

Yes, we are currently looking for a suitable space that has sound and can host 30-50 people. Please send us an EMAIL.

Yes, we are an open-minded platform that welcomes public participation via suggestions and contributions. But we also have taken a good amount of time to create a direction and purpose for FORUM, so we would appreciate it if you can take the time to get to know our proposition throughout this website.

If your ideas are still percolating after reading us, we really appreciate the time you have taken and invite you to please get in touch with us via this FORM.

Any independent and small enterprise takes a lot of effort to be brought to life. So, we thank you for your interest in supporting us. Please send us an EMAIL

No! We are just two inquiring citizens who have decided to start a platform for open public and honest discussion about topics that can benefit societies in general and improve quality of life for all. We are neither utopic, nor dystopic, or maybe we are a good dose of both. We don’t know yet if the glass is half-full or half-empty!

We are just starting this platform, but we are open to connecting to other inquiring citizens who like our proposed format. Please send us an EMAIL to let us know what you envision.

We will be recording only the audio so that we may transcribe the debate at a later date and possibly publish the audio as a podcast. We are studying the possibility of making this material available for citation, respecting the CC copyrights of the speakers to their spoken content and FORUM linking:debate as the source publisher.

Because we are an international community and the participants and attendees in such events tend to have English as a common language, at least for now the events will be held in English. But we are cognizant that we are in Germany and depending on speakers, moderator and audience we are open to hosting German-language sessions as well. At least for now we cannot offer simultaneous translation due to lack of infra-structure and high costs.