Category: DEBATE

  • Autumn 2024: Debate II

    Autumn 2024: Debate II

    This FREE EVENT will address critical issues surrounding the erosion of privacy and regulatory frameworks. The debate will focus on the following pressing questions: Join us to explore the crossroads of activism, citizenship, human rights and health as intersected by technology. The debate seeks to highlight the true toll of the diminishing privacy on our freedoms and…

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  • Autumn 2024: Debate III

    Autumn 2024: Debate III

    Are you concerned about the rise of disinformation and its impact on political systems worldwide? Do you have insights into how truth fabrication is shaking the foundations of democracy? We invite you to join our FREE upcoming panel debate, where we will explore the urgent challenges posed by disinformation and manipulation in the digital age.…

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  • Autumn 2024: Debate IV

    Autumn 2024: Debate IV

    Are you passionate about technological equity and human rights? Do you have insights into the global challenges of energy access? FORUM invites you to join our upcoming panel debate, where we will delve into the complex interplay between energy accessibility and socioeconomic disparities. This debate will dive deep into the intersecting realms of activism, citizenship,…

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  • Autumn 2024: Debate V

    Autumn 2024: Debate V

    Are you concerned about the intersecting global catastrophes arising from climate-related upheaval and how policy can and should transcend profit motives and prioritise the common good? We invite you to join our FREE upcoming panel debate, where we will explore the intersecting realms of activism, citizenship, health, human rights, scholarship, and technology in the pursuit of tackling…

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  • Summer 2024: Debate I

    Summer 2024: Debate I

    This event addressed critical issues surrounding the inherent biases in algorithms and their societal impacts. The debate focussed on the following pressing questions: The discussion was an exploration into the crossroads of human rights, scholarship and technology delving deep into the pervasive issues of discrimination and bias entrenched within algorithms. The focus extended to critical dimensions…

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