We are forming a unique network of supporters (on a volunteer basis), to help us fine-tune FORUM and our mission of linking:debate.

This network would be leveraged for feedback on the project’s initiatives, website content, whether our prompts on current preoccupations are on target, whether we are proposing the right questions or if we can improve our debate format. We seek general consultation on how to refine our purpose and objectives as we grow.

Additionally, this network will be of benefit for its participants in accessing domain experts across multiple fields to pose questions, seek support, request information and broaden each other’s perspectives with expertise and experience. 

This group will initially be coordinated through a LinkedIn Group. It will be invite-only and membership will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure adequate and active contributions.

If you believe you have expertise in one or more of our themes and are interested in lending some brain power to FORUM through general light touch engagement and our planned annual General Meeting then register your interest HERE.