We’re preparing the stage for a grand exposition of ideas, where minds will clash like thunder and enlightening knowledge will spark your neural circuits. Within this exists a particular ambition – a plan to pen a manifesto! 

A manifesto would serve as an evidential monument to our convictions. Buried between its paragraphs – a call to change the world! Yet, as noble an endeavour as this may be, it requires a mental mind-map of consensus folded over time. It needs an evolution of synaptic processing to shape the intended discourse and untangle the introspection.

The gathering of inquiring minds, under the banner of FORUM, platforms a purpose for linking:debate. It is here, amidst the ebb and flow of ideas, that the notion of FORUM’s manifesto will take root. Fuelled by our mission to catalyse societal transformation, we aim to uncover the imperative for systemic change at the core of our intersecting themes.

And, the themes that define this discourse? Activism, citizenship, climate change, health, human rights, scholarship and technology. Each theme is a chapter of discovery, each intersection a flourishing planter of possibility and hence there within, a period of time to distil convictions into actionable meaning.

Through this act of inquiring, of questioning, of debating, we will uncover the true essence of this mission. We are a dialogue assembly called FORUM, where we are linking:debate for the purpose of Fostering Openness & Reflection that provides Understanding towards Mobilising ideas.

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